Jim Peterson
Spiritual Director and Supervision
Availability: My direction practice is full at this time. My supervision practice (for directors seeking supervision) is open at this time.
Training & Experience: San Francisco Theological Seminary, Diploma in the Art of Spiritual Direction program, 1996-1998. I have been providing spiritual direction for nearly 20 years, and supervision of directors for 15. I co-lead occasional retreats with colleagues of Soul Work Studio and the Contemplative Center of Silicon Valley, and am doing small group facilitation and teaching in three northern California spiritual formation programs. Denominational Affiliation: Christian identity and Presbyterian affiliation within that. Yet I practice from an ecumenical and inter-faith perspective, welcoming all. Sociodemographic Location: Retirement age, male, Northern European origin. Other Perspectives: As a youth I came to believe the “the question of God,” as I put it then, was the most important question of life. Though the form of that question has shifted much over the years, I still hold it with the same primacy, and it is now reflected in my life as a spiritual director in particular. I hope to assist other seekers after God to wrestle with and come to their own understandings about ultimate values and relationships. I trust in the wisdom held within each person, and trust the Spirit to provide ways for that to emerge and shape life. Style of Direction: As a spiritual director I am listening for the presence, movement, and invitation of the mystery we call God in the stories and experiences the directee brings for sharing. I see the Spirit as the true director, and my role is to tune into both the directee and the Spirit and respond (with comments, observations, tentative perspectives, and occasionally questions) in cooperation with the Spirit as I discern that. My only agenda is to assist the directee in becoming more aware of God’s Presence, and responding ever more faithfully to God’s love and invitations. Personal Information: I am married and have an adult son and daughter, and two grandchildren with whom we love to spend time. In many ways they are my other, and informal, spiritual directors, opening me up to wonder and joy. I enjoy hiking, dabbling in art and photography, reading books on spiritual formation, and mystery novels. |